화백(남문철)이 죽던 밤 작업실에 갔던 빛나(김혜준)는 코너에 몰린다. 한편, 숨겨왔던 진실을 밝히려던 정욱(이윤희)의 계획은 새로운 국면에 접어드는데…
Bit Na was hit by a golf club and found to be unconscious the next day. She was lucky enough to be not seriously injured and decided to go back to the house to find out the culprit. Dokko Sun creates a web page to gather information about Mr. Yoo and helps Bit Na to find out about the truth. And to everyone’s surprise, it turned out that Mr. Yoo allowed Hae Joon as his adoptive son before his death.