화백의 생일을 맞아 그의 전처와 과거 내연녀, 딸, 이부동생, 조카, 친구까지 모두 한자리에 모인다.
심술궂은 화백을 불편해하면서도 다들 머무는 꿍꿍이가 있는 것 같은데...
Each of the family members recollects the day Mr. Yoo invited them over to his house and the frightening incident the almost killed Yoo Bit Na, Mr. Yoo's daughter. Despite knowing that Mr. Yoo is terminally ill, they immediately start to fight over who is entitled to his immense fortune. Meanwhile, Bit Na tries to go home after the near-death experience, and her mom Ji Hye begs her to stay.