인욱의 공연이 다가오고, 인욱은 자신을 끌어내 준 순호에게 고마워한다.
그러나, 하원은 지수의 남편이자 엄마의 죽음에 비밀을 가진 인욱을 만나려 하고, 인욱 역시 배송지에 대해 궁금해하기 시작하는데!
The day of In Wook’s recital approaches and he is grateful to Soon Ho for bringing him out of his slump. However, Ha Won realizes that In Wook is Ji Soo’s husband who is connected to his mother’s death. Ha Won wants to meet In Wook and In Wook also wants to see the house that belongs to the shipping address.