Romesh's Uncle Ragu arrives from Australia and is determined to help Rom make it in Hollywood; Uncle Rags has a plan for Romesh that causes a scene captured on national television.
Romesh's wife, Leesa, and their three kids arrive in L.A., and she wants to help Romesh live a healthier lifestyle, though she goes to some extreme measures to achieve this, while Uncle Rags causes another major problem for Rom.
Romesh reaches out to some comedy managers to help him get his first U.S. television appearance. Meanwhile, he also has to prove to Leesa that he has found a solution for the education of their kids in Los Angeles.
The Greek show is just two weeks away and ticket sales are still woefully lagging, so Romesh is open to any and all ideas that could help sell out the show—even his uncle and mother's bizarre publicity stunts.
Season 1 finale. Romesh is desperate to drum up major publicity for his flagging show at the Greek, so he takes his mom and uncle to the Mexican border for an elaborate protest stunt against Trump's wall.