French & Indian War, American Revolution, American Riflemen Vs. British Line Soldiers - Timothy Murphy sniper, Development of Washington "Life Guard" and "Corps of Sappers & Miners" troops, Civil War "irregular" Cavalry (CSA John S. Mosby), 1st & 2nd United States Sharpshooters, Confederate Snipers, Special Troops during the Indian Wars, World War One, End with FDR Pearl Harbor Speech
Paratroopers and Airborne U.S. Ranger Battalions and U.S. Special Forces("Devils Brigade"), "Alamo Scouts" , Elite "Special" USMC troops , Elite and "Special Forces" troops, U.S. Marine Raiders, OSS - Office of Strategic Services - Counterespionage , Founding of Green Berets, U.S. Navy SEALs are founded
Advisors in Vietnam, The Vietnam War begins, Carlos Hathcock - most successful sniper of Vietnam - USMC, MACV-SOG, The Vietnam War and the activities and stories of "Medal of Honor" actions. The end of the Vietnam War - now what?
1970s and further development of U.S. Special Forces, Post- Vietnam developments, Delta Force, 1979 - Operation Eagle Claw in Iran (tragedy), Use of SF in Grenada and Panama, Persian Gulf War 1990-1991 (set up Rangers/Delta in Somalia 2 years later)
1993 - Battle of the Black Sea - "Black Hawk Down" Mogadishu (first battle against U.S. Elite Forces and Al Qaida), Two medals of Honor in Battle of the Black Sea (first since Vietnam) 9/11, Special Forces actions and developments post 9/11, Actions in Afghanistan -- The Hunt for Bin Laden, Actions in Iraq, The future for Special Forces, Rangers, Navy SEALs and U.S. Military Elite troops.