Once the seed of suspicion has been planted, Kang Soo begins to question everything that has been going on. A strange man keeps telling him to get out. Every time Kang Soo tries to express his concerns with various people, he is met with the same answer. Things begin to fall apart, and he doesn't know why. Meanwhile, he wakes up the next day, and everything is back to perfect.
모든 트라우마를 잊은 듯 행복한 모습을 보이는 기애를 보며 꺼림칙한 기분을 감추지 못하고 혼란스러워하는 강수. 그런 강수에게 재희는 현실을 보여준다. 절망에서 희망으로 바뀐 가상현실의 모습에서 강수는 행복해하기보다는 당황하는 모습을 감추지 못하는데...