ここまで守り中心だった挑戦者が反撃に転じた。小籔が毒舌キャラを活かしたネタで宮迫、後藤を笑いの淵へ追い込むと、ハチミツ二郎は王者・ザコシショウを狙い撃ち。鉄壁のガードを崩しにかかる。やるかやられるか、紙一重の戦いが続く中、ある動画が1人の挑戦者にトドメを刺した。(C)2019 YD Creation
Up until now, the challengers had been focusing on defense, but they shifted to counterattack. Koyabu used his sharp-tongued character to drive Miyamoto and Goto to the edge of laughter, while Hachimitsu Jiro targeted the reigning champion, Zakoshisho, aiming to break down his formidable guard. In a battle where the thin line between victory and defeat blurred, a certain video delivered the final blow to one of the challengers.