A new look crew of the Avalon is called to a strange world known as The Sanctum, where they are tasked by a Peacekeep Admiral with discovering what has happened to the Pac-Ha.
Visionary Destroyer passes the command of the Screaming Valor to a new captain - Louvin Yikjaal Muur. Her first mission is to investigate the disappearance of a Brightest Eye colony on a new planet. Several unexpected people join her crew - some known and some unknown.
Captain Bard is sent back to her home planet of Terra on a diplomatic mission. Her journey is waylaid when she receives an emergency message from her mother.
After being captured by the Vrer, the crew of the Screaming Valor is employed to steal the shard of one of their long gone ancient leaders.
Whilst retro-fitting the Avalon, Nydar and the technicians come under attack from Terrans. Meanwhile, Lucy Bard is held captive on Terra while her remaining crew and family hatch a plan to rescue her.
Twelves hours after destroying the Vrer, the crew of the Screaming Valor are recovering from their ordeal when a fleet of unknown vessels approach their position. The crew are unsure of this new fleets motivations when an old friend makes contact - Ghasca Ueno.
Without a ship and on the run from the Terran Republic, Captain Bard and her crew of the Avalon reach out to some old friends for help. The Screaming Valor, commanded by Lucy's best friend Louvin, answers the call and makes haste to Terra.
Split into three teams, the combined crews of the Avalon and Screaming Valor attempt take down the Terran First Minister, re-take the Avalon, and prevent a terrorist attack at the Gravity Ball finals.
Visionary Destroyer receives a request from Father Seven to return to Pupil. Upon returning to the Brightest Eye homeworld, the crew of the Screaming Valor find all those connected to the Concordance incapacitated, along with their old friend Hansarald Neuroon. Desperate to save their friend and the planet, the crew investigate the source of the problem.
Recovering from their ordeal on Terra, the crew of the Avalon receive new orders from Admiral Korbash Varr. They are to head to the Xocoltol homeworld of Sheron where they are to rendezvous with someone unexpected - a Ta'al Klee worldship.
Rayk and Louvin head to the criminal world of Olas to find information on where Kazukuul may have taken Visionary Destroyer. Meanwhile, Visionary Destroyer undergoes an internal struggle with Chrome, as Merza and This Might Be a Good Idea attempt to help.