The victory of WWII may have been an achievement between, among others, the Americans, run by their democratically elected government, and the Soviets, run by the Communists. It, however, marked the beginning of a global power struggle between the two factions, which would be better known as the Cold War. Because the Americans had the ultimate weapon of annihilation in the nuclear bomb, that power struggle was largely through public relation campaigns, in among other propaganda battlegrounds as the Italian election following the war, in Berlin as Stalin and the Soviets tried to seize it in its entirety, and more formally in war on the Korean peninsula. Official and unofficial propaganda campaigns also happened on the home front. In the US, much of it was through network television, whose shows depicted American family life as perfect. But the global situation brought about strong anti-Communist sentiments, which allowed the McCarthy Communist witch hunts to occur. On the Soviet side, Stalin did whatever he needed, including falsely accusing, imprisoning and murdering people, in order to show he was in control. Much of his propaganda campaign was in order to raise money for nuclear bomb research at the expense of the Soviet peoples. But Stalin's death and the fact of the Soviets developing a nuclear bomb would change the face of the Cold War.