14 year-old Phoebe has cancer. She has five more rounds of chemotherapy before the doctors know if the treatment has worked. Will Phoebe be able to return to her normal life? Or will the results confirm her worse fears?
Hayden is a transgender woman who wants to show her family who she really is. They have never seen her as a woman before. Will they accept Hayden? Or will they turn her away? And can she tell her father the truth?
Mahdi is a refugee from Afghanistan who watched nine people die when his boat sank off Christmas Island. He has been scared of the water ever since. Can Mahdi conquer his fears? Or will the ocean haunt him forever?
Lana is a first-time mum about to re-enter the workforce. She has no choice but to put her seven-month-old son into childcare. Can Lana leave her baby? Or will her guilt prove too much to bear?
Millie is better known as Madison Missina - a famous porn star and sex worker. Her partner, Bec, has never met Madison. But the time has come for Millie to introduce Bec to her alter ego. Will their relationship survive?
17 year-old Carly suffers from cystic fibrosis and has less than 12 months to live. The only thing that could save her is a double-lung transplant. Will she get the operation in time? Will her body even accept new lungs?
Tracey's life has been shattered by her son's ice addiction, which threatened her family's safety. He has recently written her a letter from prison, begging for her forgiveness. Will Tracey reconnect with her son?
Jet is an aspiring musician who suffers from crippling anxiety. He vomits nearly every morning and hardly leaves the house. Will Jet be able to overcome his anxiety and perform his music in front of a live audience?
Diane is an adoptee who is searching for her birth father. Her birth mother died in a car accident seven months after she was born. Will Diane uncover the truth about her adoption and learn the identity of her birth father?
Bibi is an indigenous artist who believes that an interior designer has stolen her artwork and used it to decorate the inside of a European hotel. Will Bibi launch legal action? Or will the matter be settled out of court?