Volume 5 - The Early Church: Becoming a Light in the Darkness Faith Lesson 1: Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain This lesson will explore the methods Jesus used to prepare his disciples for the task he would lay before them: that of carrying the message of his kingdom beyond the boundaries of Galilee. The region where this message spread the most quickly was Asia Minor, the most pagan area of the Roman Empire. You will be taken to three different locations and examine three different but related themes. At Korazin we see Jesus as rabbi and his followers as disciples as he prepares them for their mission to the world. At Caesarea Philippi, Jesus demonstrates to the pagan world the startling news of his kingdom. Our last stop is at the Mount of Olives, where the final commission of Jesus is placed in context as the disciples become witnesses to revolutionary news: Jesus seated at God’s right hand as his divine Son. Our task is to hear and see as those disciples did. Then we too, by God’s grace, will be able to face the pagan “Asia Minors” of our world.
Volume 5 - The Early Church: Becoming a Light in the Darkness Faith Lesson 2: The Salt of the Earth The great struggle we Christians face is that of trying to exert a positive influence on the secular world around us without compromising our faith. How can we remain involved in the world’s activities without losing the distinctive beliefs and lifestyle that are essential to maintaining our faith? This study will focus on both the command of Jesus to be the “salt of the earth” and his charge to do so without compromise. The setting will be Sardis, a first-century city in the Roman province of Asia Minor. Here prospered one of the churches addressed by John in the book of Revelation. As we study his writings in light of recent archaeological discoveries, we will ask the question, “Were these believers influencing their culture for Jesus, or were they becoming increasingly comfortable as part of that culture? ” Though we may not come up with a definitive answer, in trying to find one, we will discover a way to powerfully critique our own Christian witness in an increasingly secular culture.
Volume 5 - The Early Church: Becoming a Light in the Darkness Faith Lesson 3: Where Satan Lives Pergamum was one of the largest cities in Asia Minor when the message about Jesus the Messiah arrived at its doorstep. Only Ephesus could eclipse it in terms of wealth, glory of architecture, and size and number of temples. Yet John labeled Pergamum as the place “where Satan has his throne” and “where Satan lives.” This is a striking indictment of the pagan nature of the city, and hints at the difficulties early believers experienced as they tried to live Christian lives in that setting. But they remained faithful, even in the face of death. That pagan culture is remarkably similar to the one in which we live today. This lesson will challenge us to be faithful.
Volume 5 - The Early Church: Becoming a Light in the Darkness Faith Lesson 4: The Mark of the Beast Imagine living in New York City, where, during the past week, you committed your life to Jesus. The only other Christians within this vast city are a few friends who are also recent converts. Yet in spite of the odds, you are determined to share your newfound faith with the surrounding populace. You are convinced that therein lies the answer to the problems plaguing the city: crime, pornography, poverty, drugs, and pollution. Where would you begin? How would you feel? Your situation would be similar to that of the early believers who went to Ephesus, Asia Minor’s New York City. These Christians were few in number and were treated as second-class citizens unless they bore the “mark” of the pagan beliefs embraced by their neighbors. Instead of giving up in the face of such opposition, these believers worked all the harder to make Jesus’ name known and to proclaim his message of salvation. You will be amazed, inspired, and moved as you learn of their determination. And you will be challenged to be more faithful in the “Ephesus” where you live.
Volume 5 - The Early Church: Becoming a Light in the Darkness Faith Lesson 5: Hot or Cold Change the world! Make a difference! Impact your culture for Jesus! How do you respond to those three challenges? Do you think they’re impossible to accomplish? Where do you start when so many things need to be changed? The disciples faced a similar task, yet they experienced spectacular success. Why? Were they different from present-day believers—more spiritual, perhaps? The answer is no; in many ways they were just like us. Their success was based on their trust in God’s power and grace, and on their familiarity with the method Jesus used to change people’s hearts and lives. Through his compassion, Jesus literally “loved” others into the kingdom. Laodicea was a community that had forgotten that lesson. You and I, as Jesus’ followers, are called to be bold in sharing his healing and renewing compassion with others. By doing so, we will become instruments that God can use to change our world.
The True Christmas Story: Herod the Great, Jesus the King Tiny Bethlehem lay in the shadow of the Herodian, the magnificent home of Herod the Great. In this remarkable program, Ray Vander Laan leads a tour through the palace ruins, the modest dwellings of Bethlehem, and other historical sites in Israel. The contrast between the grandeur of Palestine's king and the humility of the King of kings will astound you! Also included in this program is a 28-minute bonus episode from"Life and Ministry of the Messiah," Volume 3 in the "That The World May Know" teaching series.
The True Easter Story: The Promise Kept Explore 2,000-year-old tombs much like the one that held Jesus and experience the vibrant history and culture of Israel. Teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals the fascinating truths surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus in this video journey that will make every Easter a deeper, more joyful time for your entire family. Includes a bonus faith lesson, Lamb of God.