Hui Jae is caught by the police because of his own son, Na Moo. He tells Na Moo that wickedness is not something that can be developed but that it is in one’s blood. Meanwhile, Hui Jae’s autobiography puts the spotlight on Jae Yi and her family. Do Jin decides to be interviewed and even asks for his face to be revealed.
방송에 나와 윤희재 자서전이 거짓임을 밝힌 도진!
지혜원의 딸이라는 사실이 밝혀져 곤란해진 재이도 ‘심경 고백 인터뷰’를 통해 정면 승부한다.
경찰대학 졸업식 날, 분노에 찬 피해자 유족들이 도진 앞에 나타나는데..