In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Leah & Lisa, Christopher & Michele, and Sophie & Chris as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Sofia & Natasha, Holden & Tristan, and Syniah & Harmonique as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Isabella & Jason, Brennan & Christy, and Christian & Susan as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Malik & Meagan, Claire & Joe, and Maya & Dana as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Max & Michael, Noah & Adine, and Sydney & Kate as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Justin & Sandra, Alyssa & Bibiana, and Victoria & Steve as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Alia & Denise, Hannah & Sherri, and Cash & Ron as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Rhys & Shelly, Mila & Rishma, and Lucas & Adam as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Addyson & Justin, Callum & Sabrina, and Chyanne & Cheryl as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Kaiya & Ken, Chase & Seanna, and Nikita & Yev as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Mckale & Julie, Violet & Tammy, and Jackson & Wes as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Jaitra & Palak, Charlie & Lindsay, and Alexis & Robert as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Gia & Jordana, Ellie & D'Arcy, and Luc & Nicole as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Akira & Thuy, Mila & Matt, and Cooper & Mark as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.
In this new family game show, join parent-kid contestants Maya & Joanna, Liam & Ryan, and Cali & Caroline as they compete in three rounds of challenges to take home the grand prize.