Beck is back im Business – als frischgebackener Pflichtverteidiger! Gerade war Hannes Beck noch glücklich als Hausmann und vierfacher Vater, da betrügt ihn seine Frau. Er verlässt sie, muss wieder arbeiten und wird kurzentschlossen Anwalt, denn schließlich hat er mal Jura studiert. Nur gut, dass dem blutigen Anfänger seine vorlaute Putzfrau Jasmina unter die Arme greift. (Quelle: RTL)
Although Hannes Beck (Bert Tischendorf) studied law at some point, the fourfold father never had the need to apply his knowledge to solid work. This changes abruptly when his wife, the prosecutor Kirsten (Annika Ernst), cheats on him with her colleague (René Steinke). Hannes moves out and takes the kids with him. For the first time in his life he has to go to work properly and inevitably takes a job as a public defense lawyer. Fortunately, his 54-year-old domestic help Yasmina (Andreja Schneider) was a judge in her old homeland of Croatia. Without further ado, he hires her as a lawyer's assistant. Patent, clever and absolutely loyal she helps him with his difficult cases. Hannes' private life has its ups and downs: while his ex-wife wants to take the kids away from him, he meets his former fellow student Susanne (Julia Dietze) at court, and gradually develops feelings for her.
Hannes Beck è un padre di quattro figli e marito di Kristen, un procuratore. Hannes si occupa della famiglia, mentre Kristen si dedica al lavoro. Tutto sembra procedere alla perfezione fino a quando Hannes non scopre il tradimento di lei. Il matrimonio naufraga e Hannes decide di rivoluzionare la sua vita, riprendendo a lavorare come avvocato.
Diplômé en droit, Hannes Beck s'était contenté d'élever ses quatre enfants. Mais lorsqu'il apprend que son épouse, procureure, le trompe, il prend ses enfants avec lui, ouvre un cabinet d'avocat et embauche sa gouvernante qui était juge en Croatie avant d'émigrer en Allemagne.