In the distant future, humanity has explored beyond Earth and colonized both the inner and outer planets of the Solar System. In order to protect the colonies and maintain law and order in the solar system, the Earth Federation Government (EFG) was created. Soon, many settlers started to resent the EFG's and its sphere of influence, straining the relationship between the central government and the colonies.
While a strained peace was being forged between Earth and the colonies, a race of non-human creatures known as Deathcula invaded the System. Without provocation, they attacked the colonies and killed many of the colonists. The EFG quickly realized that the Deathcula were technologically superior and their forces were hopelessly outmatched. In order to have a chance at survival, Dr. Charles Louvre developed a transformable starship known as the Bismarck.
Knowing that an advanced team of specialists were required to operate the Bismarck, four individuals came together and were charged with keeping the outer colonies safe from further Deathcula attacks.
2069년, 인류는 태양계에 진출해 목성과 토성의 테라포밍에 성공해 수많은 사람들이 목성과 토성으로 이주했다. 하지만 데스큐라 성인이 태양계에 침공하며 이 평화는 깨지고 만다. 태양계 연방군은 데스큐라 성인에 응전을 시작, 데스큐라 성인은 패퇴해 물러나게 되었다. 그리고 15년 후, 또다시 태양계를 침략한 데스큐라 성인이 침공해온다. 지구연방군 사무총장인 샤를르 르벨은 거대 변신로봇 '비스마르크'를 제작해 히카리 신지를 포함한 4명의 정예들을 모아 '비스마르크 팀'을 결성한다.
Dans un monde futuriste placé aux environs de la fin du xxie siècle, l'humanité est capable de voyager dans l'espace et a placé des avant postes sur plusieurs planètes éloignées de la Terre. Ces colonies se nomment les Nouveaux Territoires. Mélangeant technologie cybernétique et éléments inspirés du FarWest, l'histoire nous raconte les aventures d'une équipe de Stars Sherifs, sorte de policiers galactiques chargés de maintenir la paix dans les Nouveaux Territoires et de lutter contre les Desperados, des envahisseurs venant d'une autre dimension dirigés par l'énigmatique Némésis. Les quatre membres des Stars Sherifs, Sab Rider, Colt, Fireball et April bénéficient pour les aider dans leur mission d'un puissant vaisseau spatial du nom de RAMROD capable de se transformer en robot géant et élaboré par April.
Num futuro distante, uma equipa de quatro Cavaleiros das Estrelas defendem a colónia espacial fronteiriça, Yuma, dos fora-da-lei, assim como dos "Salteadores", um exército de seres alienígenas humanoides, liderados pelo misterioso Nemesis.