Helena é uma mãe dedicada, capaz de fazer tudo por sua única filha, Maria Eduarda. A jovem que se apaixona e se casa com Marcelo, um rapaz de família rica que sofre a perseguição da ex-namorada Laura. O sonho do jovem casal é ter um filho e, depois de um aborto espontâneo, Maria Eduarda comemora sua nova gravidez. Helena, que agora está casada com Atílio, engravida junto com a filha, e por obra do destino, as duas dão à luz exatamente na mesma hora. Mas o que acontece naquele hospital promete alterar a vida de todos quando Helena, em um momento cego de amor de mãe, decide trocar as crianças, ao descobrir que seu neto nasceu morto.
Helena is an independendent woman with strong emotions. More than a dedicated mother, she is also a friend to her daughter. Her daughter is experiencing difficulties in her marriage with Marcelo because of his renewed interest in a formoe girlfriend. Marcelo‘s mother deslikes Helena and would like nothing better to see her son‘s marriage destroyed. Helena starts her life over again when she falls in love at first sight with Atilio, whom she marries. Although of poor health, her daughter wants to have a baby, believing that by fulfiling her husband‘s dream, she can save her marriage. As fate would have it, mother and daughter fall pregnant at the same time, each giving birth to a baby boy.
Helena es una mujer independiente con fuertes emociones. No tan sólo es una madre dedicada, es una una gran amiga para su hija. Su hija vive una crisis en su casamiento, porque su marido, Marcelo, aún sufre con los acosos de su ex novia. A la madre de Marcelo no le cae bien Helena y le gustaría muchísimo ver el casamiento de su hijo destruído. Helena rehace su vida cuando se enamora a primera vista de Atilio, con quien se casa. Con una salud muy debilitada, su hija desea tener un hijo, creyendo así que estaría realizando el sueño de su marido, y salvando su casamiento. Como en un juego del destino, madre e hija se quedan embarazadas al mismo tiempo y dan a luz el mismo día.
Helena is an independent and very sentimental woman but also a devoted mother and friend of her daughter Eduarda. The latter experienced difficulties in her marriage with Manuel because of his renewed interest in his former friend. Manuel's mother does not love Helena and all she wants is to see her son's marriage fail. Helena starts a new life when she falls in love with Atilio at first sight and marries her. Despite her poor health, Helena's daughter wants to have a child to save her marriage. This is also her husband's desire. Coincidentally, she gets pregnant at the same time as her mother. Each of them gives birth to a boy. It is a joy for everyone, but unfortunately it is short-lived. Eduarda's child is stillborn. So Helena makes the most terrible decision of her life; she secretly exchanges the two babies...
Сложная история жертвоприношения от создателей сериала «Семейные узы». В центре внимания мать Элена и дочь Эдуарда. Их жизнь после многих лет неразберихи вроде бы начала налаживаться. Они отыскали своих любимых, вышли замуж за них, одновременно забеременели и начали ожидать маленьких деток. Но все меняется в один миг: во время родов ребенок Эдуарды умирает, при этом врачи делают сложную операцию, после которой она больше не сможет иметь детей. Узнав это все Элена идет на необъятную жертву - она подменяет своего новорождённого ребенка на умершего дочери. С этого и начинается главная интрига - как сложатся их судьбы дальше, и главное - всплывет ли истина?