In Deutschland thront eine Eiche einsam und majestätisch inmitten eines Feldes; in Italien ruht eine alte Zypresse, die Franz von Assisi im frühen 13. Jahrhundert selbst gepflanzt haben soll, im Kreuzgang eines Franziskanerklosters. So unterschiedlich und voneinander entfernt sie auch sein mögen: Upmeyers Eiche und die Zypresse in der Villa Verruchio bilden jeweils auf eigene Weise das stabile Fundament einer Kultur, das im Laufe der Jahrhunderte friedlich weitergegeben wurde.
These two trees are very different in size and nature, but are united by the central element of their history – fire.
The Nail Oak of Herchies is not noted for its size, age or splendour but for its curative properties, and for the legend that has surrounded it for centuries. In contrast, the ancestor-yew trees lord majestically over the heart of the village of la Haye-de-Routot, at the foot of the church, like perpetual statutes commanding the respect of all. The Yew trees of La Haye-de-Routot are the guardians and witnesses of the Feu de St Clair, which takes place every year in July. This bonfire tradition has been perpetuated for 5 centuries and is celebrated with more than a pinch of pride by the local inhabitants who witness the population of the village swell tenfold for the occasion!
As for the Nail Oak of Herchies, it is not nature that links it to fire, but the healing powers that are attributed to it, as well as its singular history. 60 years ago, the ancient tree was set on fire through an act of vandalism, and following the fire, the decision was taken to plant a new one. In addition, the tree is reputed to heal skin conditions, and burns in particular. When the oak becomes overloaded with dressings, the farmer and owner of the surrounding area burns off some of the bandages.
En Allemagne, un chêne solitaire et majestueux a vu grandir trois générations d’une dynastie paysanne, les Upmeyer ; à Villa Verucchio, en Italie, un cyprès vénérable, trône dans le cloître d'un monastère. Ce sont des arbres "généalogiques".
In Germania, da secoli, una quercia solitaria domina maestosamente la campagna e sorveglia silenziosa il lavoro dei campi, che intorno a lei si svolge ogni anno secondo ritmi antichi. In Italia è stato costruito un monastero intorno al cipresso piantato da San Francesco nel XIII secolo, che ancora oggi punta come una freccia verso il cielo, quasi a indicare la meta finale di ogni uomo.
I Belgien mot gränsen till Frankrike växer en ek som människor i århundraden tillmätt läkande egenskaper. En gång brann den men överlevde. Vad är då naturligare än att bladen anses läka brännskador