Drei Mal hat Rosa Winter bereits selbst vor dem Traualtar Reißaus genommen - und dennoch gründet sie ihre eigene Hochzeitsagentur. Mutter Ruth, die vom klassischen Eheleben wenig hält, ist nicht begeistert. Mithilfe der jungen und resoluten Meral, die der ungeliebten Arbeit in der väterlichen Autowerkstatt entfliehen will, macht sie sich ans Werk. Und schon ihr erster Auftrag stellt Rosa und Meral vor ungeahnte Herausforderungen.
Rosa est organisatrice de mariages. Un jour, elle fait la connaissance de Meral, qui va devenir son amie et assistante, pour créer sa propre petite entreprise. Ses premiers clients sont Michelle et Frank, un père divorcé qui élève sa fille. Mais Michelle a l'air plus empressée de devenir la nouvelle maman de Lilli que l'épouse de Frank...
Rosa recently inherited a wedding gown boutique and decides to open her own wedding planning agency. On the search for a company car she meets Meral, the daughter of a Turkish garage owner. Meral is immediately excited by the idea of selling romantic dream weddings instead of run down and broken cars: although the two women couldn't be any different, they become fast friends. Meral is hired as Rosa's assistant and finally structures Rosa's chaos. Luck seems to be on their side as Michelle and Frank unexpectedly enter the store and are ready to tie the knot. But the first job goes anything but smoothly, as Rosa comes to the conclusion that something about this couple is off. Business oriented Meral couldn't care less about Rosas's suspicions, all she wants is to host this wedding and keep her dream job. But Rosa wouldn't be Rosa if she couldn't figure out the truth...