The three friends and Jerry, along with Linda and the girls, meet up while they are all at the supermarket with their mums. Jerry and Frank start arguing about which of them is a better cross-country skier. They decide to have a race in the walk-in meat freezer. The race is a close one, but Frank seems about to win it when he slams into a frozen animal carcass and loses the race. As the others run off to find their mums, Frank stays behind in the freezer room, still dazed from his collision. When he comes to, someone has locked the freezer door. By the time he is finally released he is frozen through. It turns out his mother has bought him the pair of skis he had asked for. Too frozen to resist, he is helped on with his skis and pushed down a little hill. He picks up speed and shoots up a ramp and on into a freezer lorry that is being loaded. The doors close and the lorry drives off.
Um zu sehen, wer schneller ist, machen Jerry und Frank ein Wettrennen im Gefrierraum des Supermarkts. Das bekommt der Kundendienst raus. Schnell verschwinden die Jungs, nur Frank wird versehentlich eingeschlossen.