The three friends and Jerry develop a sudden interest in studying when they realise that the first prize in the ""Scientists ‘R' Us"" competition is a trip to Egypt. They fail miserably in the class qualifying test, however, and their chances of being allowed to take part in the competition seem remote. One member of the class team becomes ill and the teacher encourages everyone to visit him. The three friends and Jerry are the only ones who don't, and as everyone else becomes ill as a result, the three friends and Jerry go to the competition. To improve their chances, Jerry sits outside the radio station where the contest is being held, and with an assortment of encyclopaedias at his side, looks up the correct answers to the questions and communicates them to Frank using walkie-talkies. Unfortunately they run into a little radio interference and the three friends get all the wrong answers. The opposing team wins the trip to Egypt, and the three friends get sent off to a special school f
Um eine Reise zu gewinnen, nehmen Frank, Eric und Thomas an einem Radioquiz teil. Dabei flüstert Frank Jerry die richtigen Antworten über ein Walkie Talkie zu, die er im Lexikon schnell nachschlägt. Da er direkt unter einem Radiomasten steht, hört Frank nur das tägliche Radioprogramm, was zu einem Rate-Chaos führt.