The three friends and Jerry are playing cowboys when Linda and the girls come along riding real horses - not logs like the three friends and Jerry had been pretending with. Their honour as cowboys at stake, the boys promise to prove themselves in the saddle and accompany the girls to the stables for the show down. While the three friends are making fools of themselves failing miserably in their attempts at riding ponies, Jerry is forced to clean out the horse droppings in the stables. In doing so he manages to break one of the riding-masters many trophies. He tries to glue it back together with super-glue, managing to get more on his pants than on the trophy. Startled by the riding-master's return, Jerry falls from the hay loft and lands in saddle of the rogue horse Crazy Grim - a horse so fierce, no one has ever ridden him, not even the riding-master, who has promised to reward anyone who manages it. Literally glued to the saddle, Jerry succeeds beyond all expectations, in fact, he ca
Die drei Freunde und Jerry spielen Cowboy, als sie die Mädchen auf ihrem Weg zum Reitstall treffen. Dabei landet Jerry aus Versehen auf dem Rücken des wildesten Pferdes und kann nicht mehr runter: Er ist festgeklebt.