The three friends have built a tree house as the headquarters for their secret club. Jerry wants to join and the three friends give him impossible tests to pass in order to become a member, secure in the knowledge that he can't possibly succeed so they'll never have to let him enter their club house. Against all expectation, Jerry's completes every test, each of which involves some prank played on Roy Johnson who lives next door to the empty lot where they've built their club house. After the third prank the three friends give in and lower the rope ladder for Jerry to climb up. This time, however, Roy Johnson has traced the perpetrator of these pranks and appears on the scene accompanied by a redneck with a chainsaw. Revenge is his as he gives orders for the tree to be felled while the three friends and Jerry jump for their lives.
Jerry muss drei Aufnahmeprüfungen bestehen, um zu dem selbstgebauten Clubhaus Zutritt zu bekommen. Das Opfer der Streiche ist Roy Johnson. Der ist so sauer, dass er den Baum absägt, auf dem sich das Klub-Haus befindet.