Each member of the class is asked to bring in a picture of themselves to put up on the wall when they were little, which causes some concern as not everyone is very pleased at the prospect of reminding the class what they looked like at the age of two. Even Linda's memories are tarnished as that was the one year she didn't win the local beauty contest. Brimming with nostalgia even for this lost pageant, Linda and her mum watch a video of the ill-fated beauty contest. Frank, unable to gain entry to the normal categories, toddles unwittingly off into the dog category and wins. Roy Johnson, ever willing to do what he can for his daughter, Mimmi, bribes the near-sighted judge, Vicious Oscar, whose blurred vision picks out Jerry for the girls' prize instead. The flashback ends with Linda's mother violently protesting the jury's decision and Roy Johnson attacking Oscar. Frank tries to avoid being made fun of by gluing his face on a pop star's body, but the class still gets their laugh as Lin
Die Lehrerin bittet die Kinder, alte Babyfotos von sich mitzubringen. Lindas Fotoalbum ist voller Siegerfotos aus etlichen Schönheitswettbewerben. Jerry hingegen siegte bei einem Schönheitswettbewerb nur deshalb, weil der bestechliche Vorsitzende mangels Brille das falsche Kind gewinnen ließ.