Introduced by Melvyn Bragg and featuring some of the personalities and activities that are thriving in the city of Liverpool today, ten years after the birth of the ' Liverpool scene '. The programme is linked by a conversation with four writers who come from the city, but now spend most of their time away from it: Alun Owen '... the way people talk in that city: it's jaunty, elegant, vulgar, earthy, precise. I wanted to use it. I did, and it gave me a freedom.' Ted Whitehead ' ... and by the way, it's important to recognise that the explosion of pop culture in the early 60s happened because of an initial impetus in a Northern provincial town....' Neville Smith ' Liverpool is like New York, it's full of bit players....' Roger McGough ' But Liverpool is still a very puritanical city compared with other places ...' The programme will include, from the stage of the Everyman Theatre, Soft or a Girl Scenes from JOHN MCGRATH 'S play about Liverpool With ROGER SLOMAN , TONY SHER , RICHARD WILLIAMS and songs from the Liverpool-based group, PETTICOAT AND VINE ALAN dossor, director of the Everyman, and WILLY RUSSELL , a local writer, discuss the future for the theatre in Liverpool. From the studios of Radio Merseyside Scully A short story by ALAN BLEASDALE about a Liverpool schoolkid ' I wrote Scully on the bus shelter as we walked back. I put Scully wherever I can. It's me name, see.' Read by DAVID LINCOLN From the New Montrose Club, Comedian Jackie Hamilton ' What's the difference between a coconut, a Scotsman, and Bill Shankly ? ' introduced by ERNIE MACK From Liverpool 8, The Granby Festival a film about the summer festival organised by the community of Granby, one of the city areas most affected by redevelopment. From the Customs House Hotel, In My Liverpool Home folk songs from PETE MCGOVERN , FRANK MCCOLL , STAN AMBROSE , and others, in the last session of folk music to be held in this dockside pub before it is demolished to make way for a police sta