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Gustavo Grabia

Gustavo Grabia has a degree in communication sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and the Círculo de Periodistas Deportivos. He began his career at Editorial Abril, passing through Editorial Garcia Ferré, 13/20 magazine and the newspapers La Razón and El Expreso. He worked at the sports newspaper Olé, where he held the position of editor, gaining prestige as the greatest Argentine expert on violence in football. He also worked as a columnist for the radio programs of Ernesto Tenembaum (Primera manãna, on Miter radio) and Roberto Pettinato (El show de la noticia, on FM 100).

English Português - Brasil español

Guest Star

Episode PH: Podemos hablar
Programa del 25/11/2017
Episode PH: Podemos hablar
Programa del 21/04/2018