Cecilia Romo, also known as Ceci Romo was a Mexican film, theatrical, and television actress. Prior to her professional acting career, which began in the 1980s, she was a member of Mexico women's national basketball team during the 1960s. Romo, who appeared in more than 30 theater productions during her career, was often cast as rebellious or comedic characters. Her telenovela and television roles became popular throughout Mexico and Latin America during the 1990s.
Episode |
La Rosa de Guadalupe Veneno para las hadas |
2010 |
Episode |
La Rosa de Guadalupe Cerca del corazón |
2009 |
Episode |
La Rosa de Guadalupe Al maestro sin cariño |
2011 |
Episode |
La Rosa de Guadalupe Sin duda, la vida |
2008 |