Edward Gehrt, professionally known as Eddie Garrett, was best known for his role on the NBC television series, Quincy, M.E., in which he portrayed a silver-haired photographer for the Los Angeles coroner's office in more than 100 episodes. Garrett learned more than 100 voices and impressions, which he would later use in a nightclub act that lasted more than 16 years
Episode |
The Odd Couple Your Mother Wears Army Boots |
1975 |
Episode |
Batman The Minstrel's Shakedown |
1966 |
Episode |
Batman Barbecued Batman? |
1966 |
Episode |
The Odd Couple Two Men on a Hoarse |
1975 |
Episode |
The Odd Couple The Paul Williams Show |
1974 |
Episode |
The Odd Couple The Big Broadcast |
1974 |
Episode |
The Odd Couple A Different Drummer |
1974 |
Episode |
The Fugitive Concrete Evidence |
1967 |
Episode |
Ironside The Machismo Bag |
1969 |
Episode |
The Odd Couple The Bigger They Are... |
1974 |