Edgy comedian George Denis Patrick Carlin was known for an act featuring 'seven dirty words' that became the focus of a Supreme Court case. He won Grammy Awards; he was the host for the first episode of Saturday Night Live. And his envelope-pushing and pointed politics helped pave the way for comedians from Richard Pryor to Cheech and Chong to Eddie Murphy to Chris Rock to Bill Maher.
Movie | George Carlin: On Location at Phoenix | 1978 |
Movie | George Carlin: Playin' with Your Head | 1986 |
Movie | George Carlin: You Are All Diseased | 1999 |
Movie | George Carlin: Doin' it Again | 1990 |
Movie | George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances | 2001 |
Movie | George Carlin: George's Best Stuff | 1996 |
Movie | George Carlin: Carlin at Carnegie | 1982 |
Movie | George Carlin: Jammin' in New York | 1992 |
Movie | Carlin on Campus | 1984 |
Movie | George Carlin: What Am I Doing in New Jersey? | 1988 |
Movie | George Carlin: It's Bad for Ya! | 2008 |
Movie | George Carlin: Life Is Worth Losing | 2005 |
Movie | George Carlin: Back in Town | 1996 |
Movie | George Carlin - On Location at USC | 1977 |
Movie | George Carlin: Personal Favorites | 1996 |
Movie | George Carlin: Playin' with Your Head | 1986 |
Movie | George Carlin: You Are All Diseased | 1999 |
Movie | George Carlin: Doin' it Again | 1990 |
Movie | George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances | 2001 |
Movie | George Carlin: Jammin' in New York | 1992 |
Movie | George Carlin: What Am I Doing in New Jersey? | 1988 |
Movie | George Carlin: Life Is Worth Losing | 2005 |
Movie | George Carlin - On Location at USC | 1977 |