不疯狂,怎叫青春?居然(董子健 饰)在高考前拍毕业照时,当着全校师生的面,大声地用泰戈尔的诗句向暗恋了三年的黄晶晶(安悦溪 饰)表白,收获了甜蜜的初恋。但很快初恋的甜蜜就被闻讯赶来的母亲(咏梅 饰)破坏了,黄晶晶在居然母亲的刺激下傲然离去,居然伤心的想爬墙挽回初恋,却摔伤了尾骨。失恋加受伤的他高考失利,看着黄晶晶前往复旦的身影,决定复读追逐爱情。开始了一段疯狂的高三历程。
A story of a high school boy as he processes the loss of his first love and learns to experience high school over again. For 3 years of high school, JU Ran has silently had a love for a young girl in his class. At the end of his senior year, as the college entrance examination looms overhead, JU Ran's situation changes, and he is given the chance to repeat his senior year. Through this year, he studies again for the examination, and has a second chance at his high school experience. JU Ran's tale is that of growing up, and a caution to take joy in every moment, because even second chances are not perfect.
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