Discovered by an eccentric ballet master, two gifted but underprivileged Mumbai teens face bigotry and disapproval as they pursue their dancing dreams.
Discovered by an eccentric ballet master, two gifted but underprivileged Mumbai teens face bigotry and disapproval as they pursue their dancing dreams.
Discovered by an eccentric ballet master, two gifted but underprivileged Mumbai teens face bigotry and disapproval as they pursue their dancing dreams.
Discovered by an eccentric ballet master, two gifted but underprivileged Mumbai teens face bigotry and disapproval as they pursue their dancing dreams.
Discovered by an eccentric ballet master, two gifted but underprivileged Mumbai teens face bigotry and disapproval as they pursue their dancing dreams.
Discovered by an eccentric ballet master, two gifted but underprivileged Mumbai teens face bigotry and disapproval as they pursue their dancing dreams.
Dos adolescentes talentosos de una zona difícil de Bombay deben enfrentar los prejuicios y el odio para seguir sus sueños de la mano de un excéntrico maestro de ballet.
מורה אקסצנטרי לבלט מגלה את הכישרון המיוחד של שני נערים ממומבאי, שמתמודדים עם ביקורת וצרות אופקים בדרך להגשמת חלומם להפוך לרקדנים מקצועיים.
뭄바이 서민 가정에서 자란 두 청소년. 뛰어난 재능 덕에 괴짜 선생님의 눈에 띄어 발레를 배우지만, 세상의 편견과 가족의 압박에 부딪힌다. 무용수가 되는 길은 왜 이리 힘든 건지. 하지만 포기할 순 없다. 발레의 꿈을 이루고 말겠어.
Dva nadaní mladíci z chudých poměrů, které v Bombaji objevil výstřední baletní mistr, musí na svojí cestě za snem o taneční kariéře překonat předsudky a odmítání.
Eksantrik bir bale ustası tarafından keşfedilen yetenekli ancak fakir iki Mumbaili genç, dans hayallerinin peşinden koşarken bağnazlık ve ayıplama ile karşılaşır.
Ekscentryczny baletmistrz odkrywa dwóch utalentowanych, ale biednych, tancerzy z Mumbaju. Aby zrealizować swoje marzenia, muszą stawić czoła dewocji i dezaprobacie.
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