Kou goes out to the arcade with Naoya and his friends. He accidentally spots her coming out of the girl's bathroom, leading him to become surprised at the realization, while she runs away embarrassed. Naoya goes to Hirotaka and Narumi for advice when Kou stops showing up to school. After some attempts at the two apologizing to each other, and having fun working together to evade an enemy, they reconcile. Another Day, Naoya receives tickets to the movies, and with encouragement from his friend, invites Kou out who, with help from Narumi, arrives in more girl-y clothes, to Naoya's surprise. After their date, Kou admits to how much better she feels whenever she's around Naoya, saying she likes him and wants to stay friends forever; Naoya's slightly caught off guard but still happily accepts. As they head their separate ways, the two reflect on their feelings on what they want in their relationship. Bundled with the tenth limited edition volume of the manga.
- Wotakoi: Friend's Distance
- Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii OVA 2
- Wotakoi - Love is Hard for Otaku OVA 2
Il s'agit d'un OAV disponible avec le dixième tome du manga. Cet épisode se centre sur Naoya Nifuji et Kou Sakuragi.
Naoya hält Kou fälschlicherweise für einen Jungen. Da Kou sich nicht traut, das Missverständnis aufzuklären, kommt es zu einer peinlichen Situation und sie flüchtet. Naoya bereut, dass er sie verletzt hat, und fragt Narumi und Hirotaka um Rat, wie er sich mit ihr versöhnen soll. Das Problem ist nur, dass Kou nicht mehr zur Uni kommt ...
- Keine Cheats für die Liebe OVA 2