This film is based on a true story, and set in the affluent world of Kentucky thoroughbred horse racing; a close-knit society with a fiercely protected reputation as the guardians of this, "the sport of kings." Not least within the ranks of these elite was Calumet Farms, a prosperous ranch operated by the family matriarch under the guidance of her trusted advisor -- a well-connected attorney who had served her family's interests for thirty years, and who helped her to build an complex empire worth untold millions in real estate, oil, stocks and bonds. And of course, horses. Calumet Farms had a sterling reputation for breeding some of the top thoroughbred horses in the country, including the legendary Alydar, whose stud services alone were worth a fortune. Their success was largely due to the direction of their ranch manager, a simple country boy with a seventh-grade education -- and a knowledge of horses that was second to none
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