One man's soul searching decision on whether or not he should join Facebook sets him off on an epic journey of self-discovery as he weighs the pros and cons of becoming a member of the world's largest social networking site. Along the way he talks with family, friends, total strangers and even celebrities whose lives have all been touched in one way or another by Facebook. From the long lost high school friend who uses it to stay in touch with classmates, to the pick-up artist who trolls the site to score with women, to the criminal who tracks your every movement to know when to rob your house, the best and the worst of Facebook is on display.
One man's soul searching decision on whether or not he should join Facebook sets him off on an epic journey of self-discovery as he weighs the pros and cons of becoming a member of the world's largest social networking site. Along the way he talks with family, friends, total strangers and even celebrities whose lives have all been touched in one way or another by Facebook. From the long lost high school friend who uses it to stay in touch with classmates, to the pick-up artist who trolls the site to score with women, to the criminal who tracks your every movement to know when to rob your house, the best and the worst of Facebook is on display.
One man's soul searching decision on whether or not he should join Facebook sets him off on an epic journey of self-discovery as he weighs the pros and cons of becoming a member of the world's largest social networking site. Along the way he talks with family, friends, total strangers and even celebrities whose lives have all been touched in one way or another by Facebook. From the long lost high school friend who uses it to stay in touch with classmates, to the pick-up artist who trolls the site to score with women, to the criminal who tracks your every movement to know when to rob your house, the best and the worst of Facebook is on display.
Naše děti vyrůstají ve „facebookovém světě“. Co to všechno znamená? Ptá se tatínek, který účast na sociálních sítích ve strachu odmítá a svému třináctiletému synovi se to snaží vysvětlit... „Facebook jsem odmítal od počátku. Pak se mě ale můj třináctiletý syn zeptal, proč nemůže být na Facebooku? A proč na něm nejsem já? Začal jsem o tom přemýšlet. Vždyť je to jen web, na kterém se mohu spojit s přáteli a rodinou. Tak proč vůči němu reagují někteří lidé tak ostře?“, říká autor filmu. A další názory? Všechno v našem životě existuje až tehdy, když to sdělíme světu na Facebooku. Jako kdyby samotný život neměl skutečný smysl, dokud ho nevystavíme nebo nepřehrajeme na sociálních sítích. Facebook doslova explodoval. Už to není jen sociální síť. Není to jen obyčejný web. Je to způsob života. A mnozí už vědí, proč patří k těm, co ho nenávidí.(Česká televize)
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