When Satoshi was little, his mother Akiko always took good care of him. She was gentle, but mentally strong. However, two years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and now it's Satoshi's turn to comfort and care for her. However, despite his best efforts, she passes away. A year after Akiko's passing, Satoshi, his father Toshiaki and his older brother Yuichi start new lives. Around that time, Satoshi receives a present from his mother.
影片中,安田显饰演儿子智,他性格软弱、随波逐流,梦想是成为漫画家。母亲明子由老戏骨倍赏美津子饰演,她平日充满活力,梦想是能见到偶像丰川悦司。 影片描绘了智被告知母亲患上癌症、一起度过最后的时光、以及母亲过世后的生活。“吃掉遗骨”听上去可怕,但与“吃掉胰脏”一样,本质上是受神道教“联结”理念的影响,传达的其实是至纯的爱,让死去的生命在活着的生命中“复活”的愿景。