Renowned writer/director/actor/producer Wong Jing created this charming fantasy comedy, featuring a top notch cast. The sweet, lovable Anita Yuan Yung stars as an illegitimate daughter who inadvertently finds a pearl with a genie in it. Michael Wong is the genie who gives her three wishes, which leads to a lot of hilarity and even a little heartbreak.
故事讲述高秀萍乃室女,性格内向,且容易受人欺负,被逼频频转工,莲母爱女心切,不得已求萍父让萍到其广告公司任职,萍父勉强答应,但要求萍隐藏自己的身份。萍之同父异母姐高明珠乃公司主管,学识丰富,处事果断兼且美丽动人,拜倒其石榴裙下之男士不计其数,但均未获珠之青睐。 公司接下广告,珠命萍负责找寻合适模特儿和道具珍珠,萍迅速找到道具珍珠,带回家中清洗,无意中擦出珠神阿宝,阿宝表示可回报三个愿望...