High school student Juri leaps to her death. Afterwards, Juri wanders to her house, school and street. She feels loneliness as nobody else is able to see her. She talks to those that she comes across including her mother and classmates, but nobody responds to her comments. Juri then sees a horrifying monster, which she never saw prior to her suicide. She calls the scary monster "Bug Man". When the mind of humans become weak, the Bug Man tempts those to commit suicide. One day, Juri walks along the street as usual. She then meets a girl that is able to see Juri. Juri names the girl Ringo-chan and plays at the park with her. Their happy moments does not last long. When they come back from the park, Juri sees Ringo-chan's mother with a grim face. The Bug Man is standing behind her mother.
熙攘喧嚣的大都会东京,游魂漫无目的地行走在城市的每一个角落。身穿校服的女高中生树里(土屋太凤 饰)曾经将自己深锁屋中,拒不登校,后来则选择从公寓楼顶一跃而下,结束了自己十几年匆匆的人生。此去经年,她早已忘记当初自杀的理由,甚至有时忽略了已经死去的事实。细细回想生前事,曾有交到的倾心好友,也曾有运动出色的青梅竹马,而如今俱成过眼云烟。曾经讨厌嘈杂低端的她,现在反而喜欢身处其中。树里仿佛是城市中唯一一个亡灵,没有任何说话对象,除了那些怂恿失落的人自杀的虫男。 这是她的孤独地狱,没有止境的旅程