WAVEMAKERS is a feature-length documentary tracking an ensemble of fascinating characters in their quest to re-invent and revive a sophisticated early electronic music instrument that is anything but obsolete: the Ondes Martenot. We follow their pursuit of this inspiring but mysterious device that everyone has heard, but has actually rarely heard of – even though it was celebrated as the musical invention of the 20th century. This filmic, sonic and human journey explores an intense love affair with musical expression and spins the tale of an enduringly cutting-edge technology on the verge of a major resurgence. It bridges a missing link in the history of electronic music by placing the instrument in a rich artistic and technological lineage.
马特诺音波琴初次登场是1928年在巴黎歌剧院,那时就广受好评且陆续激发出众多音乐家的灵感。马特诺音波琴的发明家是身兼音乐家与教育家的莫瑞斯•马特诺(Maurice Martenot),这是一项罕见且脆弱的电子乐器,被广泛使用在流行及古典音乐中,不论在首张电影原声带、好莱坞经典电影、科幻电视影集、奥立佛•梅湘(Olivier Messiaen)、艾迪特•皮雅芙(Edith Piaf) 、摇滚乐团电台司令(Radiohead)都能听到它的声音。马特诺音波琴细腻至极,即便发明已近一世纪,音乐家、工匠、科学家还在破解它的谜团。本片除了实录影像也结合了从未问世的历史影像,更有马特诺音波琴的澎湃配乐迴盪耳际。张大你的耳朵,一起跟著《馀波盪漾》驶入这音乐谜团之中。
ελληνική γλώσσα