Bayern, 1986: Der junge Lukas Baumgarten hat die Gleichgültigkeit seiner Mitmenschen satt und engagiert sich in seinem Heimatdorf gegen Atomkraft und für Umweltschutz. Als Lukas allerdings beschließt, nach Neuseeland zu reisen, um auf einem Greenpeace-Schiff anzuheuern, hat er die Rechnung ohne seine Geschwister gemacht: Seine Brüder Paul und Hansi lösen eine Reihe skurriler Ereignisse aus, die Lukas' Plan in letzter Minute zu verhindern drohen.
En fartfylld, helbayersk komedi filmad i Mühldorf. "Was weg is, is weg" utspelar sig på 1980-talet och de flesta är tillfreds med livet, bara Lukas längtar bort. Som miljöaktivist vill han gå ombord på Greenpeace-fartyget Rainbow Warrior och göra skillnad för planeten. Men det går inte som planerat, för inte bara hans nya kärlek Luisa hindrar honom från att åka, utan också hans bröder Paul och Hansi liksom en övergiven underarm...
Three Bavarian brothers are exploring together with their uncle his new invention, a generator. Lukas is pushing the start button by command of his uncle, who is struck by electric current and lapses into a coma. The years have passed by and the three brothers have grown up. They could not be more different from each other. The oldest called Hansi is an insurance broker, who fools his clients. Lukas is an environmental activist, who wants to go on a ship with Greenpeace. Paul, the last brother, is dumb and a little bit mentally retarded. A good friend of Hansi, called Franz and owner of a typical Bavarian pub, has to give it up due to high debts. Hansi tells him that it is possible to get money from the insurance, when he accidentally loses his fingers, a hand, or even the whole lower arm. In fact the arm is cut off by a rotating saw. But not on purpose. The drama takes its course, while the dog of Franz steals the arm and runs away. From now the chase on the arm is opened and the ...