Viele Jahre lang war Peter als Bauleiter in der ganzen Welt unterwegs. Nun tritt er in den Vorruhestand, eine Zeit, die er nutzen will, um einen Roman zu schreiben und mit seiner Frau Charlotte zu reisen. Sehr schnell aber ist der charmante Machertyp mit der neuen Lebenssituation überfordert: Charlotte, die noch immer erfolgreich im Berufsleben steht, hat kaum Zeit; mit seinem Roman kommt er auch nicht voran und überhaupt fällt ihm zu Hause die Decke auf den Kopf.
After overseeing major projects as a construction manager for many years and having traveled all over the world, Peter is taking early retirement. First of all, he has big plans for the new phase of his life: he can finally make up for a missed togetherness with his wife Charlotte, a successful scientist who will soon follow him into retirement, and write his long-awaited novel. The reality, however, soon turns out to be far less romantic: Charlotte has little time for her husband because of her job, and Peter can't even get past the first sentence in his novel. He spends a large part of his time in his regular café frustrated - not least because the young Jenny works there, who flirts with him in a friendly way. When one day his old friend Jens dies unexpectedly, Peter threatens to be thrown completely off course