"Io sono una solista!" Vivi Ferrari è quasi indignata quando le si chiede di cantare nel coro amatoriale della casa per anziani ticinese, dove recentemente è stata costretta a trasferirsi dalla figlia Alexa per via delle sue condizioni di salute sempre più precarie. La diva infatti non avrebbe mai e poi mai abbandonato volontariamente il palcoscenico e la sua vita a Milano.
In einem Mailänder Theater gibt die Sängerin Vivi Ferrari (Andrea Jonasson) einen ihrer grossen Soloauftritte. Sie ahnt nicht, dass es ihr vorläufig letzter sein wird. Ihr alter Freund und Manager Ciccio (Augusto Zucchi) hat mit seinem Theater neue Pläne – ohne sie...
An aged Diva, sent to an an elderly's home and a former constructionist who waits there for his death are the two poles between those the microcosm of the "Old Fools" evolves. The Diva has got a daughter who cares, the constructionist a nephew who wants to inherit. The rest of the inhabitants seem to have settled with fate comfortably and get roused up a little while the two main characters move towards each other. Withdrawl in old age, handling of loss, life without acknowledgment by the surrounding world and young ones with or against old ones are the themes of the movie. Between laughter and maybe a secret tear the movie reflects the altercation with the last stage of life in a humorous and encouraging way.