По мотивам повести писателя-фронтовика Вячеслава Кондратьева «Искупить кровью».
Февраль 1942 года. После нескольких месяцев ожесточенных боев рота Красной Армии, от которой осталась лишь треть личного состава, наконец выбивает врага из села Овсянниково. Бойцы, измотанные до предела, ожидают подкрепления, однако штаб приказывает им удерживать деревню любой ценой, что означает смертный приговор. Перед командиром роты встает тяжелый выбор — выполнить бессмысленный приказ командования и потерять оставшихся людей или вывести бойцов из-под огня и пойти под трибунал.
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1942, Schlacht um Resch. Die sowjetischen Truppen müssen sich gegen die Wehrmacht verteidigen, während sie auf Unterstützung warten. Ein Rückzug ist ausgeschlossen.
After several months of fierce fighting, the Red Army finally knocks the enemy out of the village of Ovsyannikovo, which costs huge losses - only a third of the personnel remain from the company. Exhausted to the limit, the soldiers are waiting for reinforcements, but an order comes from the headquarters - to keep the village at all costs, and this is tantamount to a death sentence. The company commander faces a difficult choice - either to lose the remnants of the company, following a meaningless command order, or to withdraw his people from mortar fire, but at the same time leave their positions and go to the tribunal for violating the order. In extremely realistic details, only one fierce battle is shown, in which, like in a drop of water, the whole truth about the war is reflected.
Po několika měsících tvrdých bojů Rudá armáda definitivně vytlačí nepřítele z vesnice Ovsyannikovo, za cenu obrovských ztrát – ze skupiny zůstane jen třetina osazenstva. Vyčerpaní, na hranici sil čekají vojáci na posily, ale z velitelství přichází rozkaz – udržet vesnici za každou cenu, což se rovná trestu smrti. Velitel roty čelí obtížné volbě – buď ztratit zbytky jednotky na základě nesmyslného příkazu, nebo stáhnout své lidi z válečného pekla, ale zároveň opustit své pozice a následně jít před vojenský tribunál za porušení tohoto rozkazu. V extrémně realistických detailech je zobrazena pouze jedna divoká bitva, ve které se odráží celá pravda o válce.
인류 역사상 최악의 전쟁이라 일컬어지는 제2차 세계대전이 한창인 1942년. 소련군은 부대원의 70%를 잃는 처절한 전투 끝에 군사적 요충지인 르제프의 한 마을을 점령하는데 성공한다. 마을을 재탈환하기 위한 독일군의 공격은 점점 거세지지만 본대로부터의 지원은 고사하고, 부대 전체가 전멸하더라도 위치를 사수하라는 이해할 수 없는 명령만이 주어지는데...
아무도 기억해주지 않더라도 반드시 승리를 만들어내야만 한다!
After several months of fierce fighting, the Red Army finally knocks the enemy out of the village of Ovsyannikovo, which costs huge losses - only a third of the personnel remain from the company. Exhausted to the limit, the soldiers are waiting for reinforcements, but an order comes from the headquarters - to keep the village at all costs, and this is tantamount to a death sentence. The company commander faces a difficult choice - either to lose the remnants of the company, following a meaningless command order, or to withdraw his people from mortar fire, but at the same time leave their positions and go to the tribunal for violating the order. In extremely realistic details, only one fierce battle is shown, in which, like in a drop of water, the whole truth about the war is reflected.
Após vários meses de combates ferozes, o Exército Vermelho finalmente derrotou o inimigo da aldeia de Ovsyannikovo, o que custou enormes perdas – apenas um terço do pessoal permanece na empresa. Exaustos, os soldados aguardam reforços, mas vem do quartel-general uma ordem – manter a aldeia a todo o custo, o que equivale a uma sentença de morte. O comandante da companhia enfrenta uma escolha difícil – perder os remanescentes da companhia, seguindo uma ordem de comando sem sentido, ou retirar seu pessoal do fogo de morteiro, mas ao mesmo tempo deixar suas posições e ir ao tribunal por violar a ordem. Em detalhes extremamente realistas, apenas uma batalha feroz é mostrada, na qual, como em uma gota d’água, toda a verdade sobre a guerra se reflete.
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