En su apartamento de urbanización prototipo de Los Angeles, Sam anda por la vida muerto de aburrimiento. Ningún aliciente hasta ese día en que descubre a una nueva vecina sexy, deslumbrante, inquietante, misteriosa y, de repente, desaparecida. Y aún hay mayores rarezas esperando a Sam, porque por el barrio anda suelto un asesino de perros...
Em Los Angeles, um jovem desempregado começa a interessar-se pela nova vizinha, que entretanto desaparece sem deixar rasto. Dado a procurar teorias da conspiração e mensagens escondidas em todo o lado, começa a investigar o seu desaparecimento, percebendo que talvez efabulações rebuscadas como aquelas que costuma imaginar afinal existam na vida real.
Sam is an affable but aimless young man with an interest in Conspiracy theory and finding hidden messages in everyday popular culture, who lives a lazy, jobless life in Los Angeles. One day he meets and develops a crush on his new neighbour Sarah. She tells him to come back the next day, but when he does, she and her roommates all seemingly moved out during the night. Meanwhile, he becomes fascinated with a zine titled ''Under the Silver Lake'', which features story elements reminiscent of recent real-life events such as a serial dog killer. After following a woman he spotted going through Sarah's apartment, Sam starts following a chain of individuals and events in the hopes of finding information about Sarah, and starts believing he is being followed. However, he later identifies Sarah as one of the three women who died in a Vehicle fire alongside billionaire mogul Jefferson Sevence, recognizing one of the victims' hat to be hers. After a conspiracy theorist friend of Sam, the author of the graphic novel, and obsessed with the back cover of an old cereal box is found dead from an apparent suicide, Sam learns from reviewing his friend's security tapes that he was killed by the Owl's Kiss, a womanly creature from ''Under the Silver Lake''; he concludes that his friend's death is related to the ongoing conspiracy.
À Los Angeles, Sam, 33 ans, sans emploi, rêve de célébrité. Lorsque Sarah, une jeune et énigmatique voisine, se volatilise brusquement, Sam se lance à sa recherche et entreprend alors une enquête obsessionnelle surréaliste à travers la ville. Elle le fera plonger jusque dans les profondeurs les plus ténébreuses de la Cité des Anges, où il devra élucider disparitions et meurtres mystérieux sur fond de scandales et de conspirations.
Sam, um jovem desiludido com a vida, conhece uma misteriosa mulher que desaparece da noite para o dia sem deixar rastros, fazendo-o embarcar em uma busca surreal para descobrir o segredo do seu desaparecimento.
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