After they fled the war in Syria, the Suleyman family was scattered across Europe. Lazgin lives with his family in Ukraine, but his brother Koshnhav is in Germany, while a third brother is in Kurdish Iraq, and a fourth remains in Syria. This Rain Will Never Stop follows Lazgin's son Andriy, who is now a volunteer with the Red Cross and dealing with another military conflict, this time in Ukraine.
Después de huir de la guerra de Siria, la familia Suleyman se repartió por Europa. Lazgin vive con su familia en Ucrania, su hermano Koshnhav está en Alemania, un tercer hermano está en el Irak kurdo y un cuarto se quedó en Siria. "This Rain Will Never Stop" se centra en el hijo de Lazgin, Andriy, que es voluntario de la Cruz Roja y lidia con otro conflicto militar, esta vez en Ucrania.
After they fled the war in Syria, the Suleyman family was scattered across Europe. Lazgin lives with his family in Ukraine, but his brother Koshnhav is in Germany, while a third brother is in Kurdish Iraq, and a fourth remains in Syria. This Rain Will Never Stop follows Lazgin's son Andriy, who is now a volunteer with the Red Cross and dealing with another military conflict, this time in Ukraine.
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