Christin has been working at a hotel owned by Budcasso, her friend's fiancé. When she is discovered stealing money from the hotel, she turns to her friend Zidanes for help. When Zidanes refuses, Christin decides to fake a suicide attempt, hoping Budcasso will take pity on her. Unfortunately, her plan goes wrong, and she actually kills herself. Soon after, Christin returns as a fierce ghost, and begins to kill all in her path at the hotel as a means for revenge. In the mean time, Budcasso invites his spirit-fighting ex-wife Mrs. Bud Lung (Troublesome Night regular Lan Law) to the wedding.
一天,神婆龙娣(罗兰 饰)收到了前男友毕加索寄来的结婚请帖,他和现任女友施丹即将携手步入婚礼的殿堂,邀请龙娣出席。曾经,龙娣和毕加索也是天造地设的一对璧人,可是毕加索怕鬼,无法接受龙娣的职业,两人以分手告终。毕加索的新女友是西洋玄学学会的会长,虽然她和龙娣表面上相处融洽,实际上少不了笑里藏刀。施丹想用法术来戏弄龙娣,却被后者识破未能得逞。 一同出席的还有毕加索的好友克里斯丁,她私吞的公司的财产结果东窗事发,于是设计利用自杀来推卸责任,哪知道没有算好毒药的用量而一命呜呼。心存愤恨的她化身成为厉鬼,要报复所有她认识的人。