Il giovane Alberto Ruotolo lascia la casetta di campagna per andare a fare il bersagliere. Ma al comando non tira buona aria, tre bersaglieri prepotenti e indisciplinati recano tanto disordine quanto rabbia al maresciallo Nerone. Quando arriva la nuova recluta Alberto, subito i tre, composti dal più longevo Giulio Cesare, da Renato e da Ferruccio, gli si scagliano addosso per via del fatto che ha osato rivolgere la parola a Maria, la figlia del commissario Carocci
The young Alberto Ruotolo leave the country cottage to go for the sharpshooter. But the command does not pull good air, three riflemen arrogant and unruly bear much disorder as anger Marshal Nero. When comes the new recruit Alberto, now three, compounds from the longest Julius Caesar, Renato and by Ferruccio, the lash him to the fact that he dared to speak to Mary, the daughter of Commissioner Carocci. Initially the three, all invaghitisi Mary, do not lose the opportunity to do mischief to Alberto, because it is the favorite of Mary. Eventually the four become friends and eventually resign themselves to the girl, in spite of themselves. Renato then sees that a few years before it had to be his bride, Nadia, who is now a dancer in variety after leaving the country. But suddenly war broke out in Tripoli, Libya, and sharpshooters are forced to participate.Unable to remain separated from their boyfriends, Nadia and Maria manage to enlist as Red Cross nurses and to achieve in Libya