Гигантские черви «грабоиды» возвращаются, чтобы превратить Землю в большой шведский стол. Пока что древние хищники из прекембрийского периода довольствуются случайными странниками и рабочими, оказавшимися в мексиканской пустыне. Но аппетиты тварей растут с каждым днем. Бизнесмен Карлос Ортега решает положить конец беспределу гигантских червей и отправляется в штат Невада на поиски Эрла Бассета, того самого смельчака, которому удалось убить нескольких червей…
As criaturas gigantescas reaparecem num campo petrolífero do México. Mas desta vez Earl Bassell, junta-se a uma sexy cientista e a um estranho rapaz.
A man on an oil field in Chiapas, Mexico flees from an underground creature which emerges and eats the man, revealing it to be a graboid. Years after the events of Tremors (film), Val McKee has moved away and married Rhonda LeBeck, while Earl Basset has squandered his fortune on a failing ostrich ranch. He is approached by Carlos Ortega, who informs him that graboids are killing his workers at his oil field in Sonora, Mexico, and hires him to hunt them down. Earl initially declines, but Ortega's taxi driver, Grady Hoover, convinces Earl to change his mind; both join the hunt. Upon arrival in Sonora, Earl learns that the company would pay him double if he caught one of the creatures alive. He also meets geologist Kate Reilly and her assistant Julio, who are scientifically investigating the Graboids.
Depois de gastar todo o dinheiro da recompensa do seu primeiro encontro com os vermes gigantes e comedores de humanos, os Graboids, Earl Bassett concorda em caçar mais criaturas mortais em uma refinaria de petróleo do México por 50 mil dólares cada. Sabendo que ele não pode enfrentar os monstros sozinho, Earl recruta Burt Gummer, outro veterano do incidente em Nevada, para fornecer as armas. Porém, os Graboids já evoluíram para atacar acima do solo.
Tornano le gigantesche creature sotterranee e questa volta seminano panico e morte nei campi petroliferi del Messico. Solo tre impavidi uomini possono fermarle.
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