Feng, a corrupted police officer, ordered to retrieve the diamonds within 48hrs, arrives at a remote village, following the mobile signal of his partner Chiang who stole the diamonds from the gang. While Feng and his men try to find Chiang in the village, they encounter the locals who seem naive but suspicious, and a ghost full of stories.
電影劇情描述黑警鋒哥(陳柏霖 飾)要在48小時內找回被兄弟小強(侯彥西 飾)黑吃黑的鑽石贓物,他循著手機訊號來到某村莊,卻怎麼也找不到對方。在詭異氣氛下,與徐伯(陳以文 飾)為首的村民,展開一連串心戰與鬥智,局面陷入混亂時,竟還有女鬼(陳意涵 飾)來搗亂,情節詭譎之餘又有許多突如其來的笑點貫穿全片。