Carl Denham (played by Don Glut) and his "Adventurers Club" members attempt to reach Mars, but meteors deflect their spaceship back to Earth. They crashes atop of a plateau covered in prehistoric fauna and flora. Here they encounter Tor, a giant gorilla, who kills one of the club members before the rest escapes to the jungle. Denham and his remaining members track Tor. On their way they encounter a menacing Stegosaurus that Denham kills with gas bombs. This is followed by a huge Apatosaurus that overturns their raft. It hunts one of the members into a tree and crushes him in its jaws. Elsewhere, Tor fights and kills a Tyrannosaurus, followed by an Elasmosaurus and later a Pteranodon. Denham very much wants to capture Tor, and succeeds through the use of gas bombs, that throws Tor from the plateau into a mud pond. Denham with the remain member descend the plateau, and are able to attract the attention of a passing ship
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