陈默(康康 饰)原是富二代,却因好赌不但气死老爸更败光家财,成了“负二代”,身无分文,只有父亲留给他一张画家楚中天(李国煌 饰)的画作,但这幅画只值十万元,根本不够还清赌债。他和地下钱庄的老板突然看到电视上报导画家张老千过世而让画作价值爆涨的新闻,因此他被逼飞往新加坡杀害楚中天,好让画作增值还债,他所有的杀人资本就是十万元。
楚中天与朱月坡(吴孟达 饰)也曾因张老千的画结下深仇,朱月坡更因此入狱坐牢,逃狱成功的他誓言要追杀楚中天。楚中天在腹背受敌的状况下,只好接受画廊经纪人建议,飞往马来西亚,寻求美女经纪人胡晶(王予柔 饰)的帮助,避难兼卖画,4人终于在马来西亚相会,展开一场尔虞我诈、真假难辨的追杀之旅……
Chen Mo came from a wealthy family, however due to his nasty gambling habit, he squanders his family`s fortune and is left with nothing except for a painting from a painter named Chu Zhong Tian, which his father left him. Unfortunately, the painting, which costs $100,000, is not enough to pay off his debt. Chen Mo then comes across a news regarding a painter who has just passed away, causing the price of his paintings to increase. With an evil plan in mind, Chen Mo goes all the way to Singapore in search of Chu Zhong Tian in order to kill him. This way, the painting that his father left him will increase in monetary value and Chen Mo will be able to clear his debt.