A young woman named Soo-hyeon (Chae Min-seo) is struggling against cancer and her older sister Ji-hyeon (Yoo Sun) decides that she should take her home so that she really can enjoy what little time she has left rather than to spend it in a hospital. Ji-hyeon is a mute, during a car accident which impaled her throat. She now cannot speak again and can only make rasping noises at the most; despite this, she is a very strong person and very caring for her little sister. She buys a long-haired wig with bangs for her so that she can go out without having to feel ashamed of herself; what she doesn't know is that the wig is cursed. Soo-hyeon is so happy with the wig on, she begins to look and act a lot healthier and far more attractive. She leaves the house often, to take photos of herself at various locations.
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